Η Ειιάδα, ε νπνία ζπληαξάζζεηαη από κηα πνιύ ζνβαξή νηθνλνκηθή θξίζε πνπ ππξνδνηήζεθε από ηελ νηθνλνκηθή θαηάξξεπζε ηνπ Κξάηνπο θαη ε δηεζλήο θεξδνζθνπία, δεη κηα δξακαηηθή θνηλωληθή θξίζε. Οη εξγαδόκελνη ηεο Ειιάδαο, νη νπνίνη πξνθήξπμαλ γεληθή απεξγία, αληηηίζεληαη, ζηνπο δξόκνπο ηεο Αζήλαο, ηεο Θεζζαινλίθεο θαη ηεο Πάηξαο, ζηελ πξνζπάζεηα λα κεηαθέξνπλ ζ’ απηνύο ην θόζηνο ηεο θξίζεο, κε κεγάιεο πεξηθνπέο ζηνπο κηζζνύο θαη ηελ απαζρόιεζε, κ’ όιν ην νπινζηάζην πνπ ρξεζηκνπνηνύλ νη θπβεξλήζεηο θαη ηα αθεληηθά γηα λα βγνπλ από ην βάξαζξν πνπ δεκηνύξγεζαλ νη ίδηνη.
Βξηζθόκαζηε δίπια ζηνπο εξγαδόκελνπο ηεο Ειιάδαο πνπ αγωλίδνληαη θαη απνδνθηκάδνπκε νπνηνδήπνηε πξνζπάζεηα εγθιεκαηνπνίεζήο ηνπο. Σηε βία ηεο νηθνλνκηθν-θνηλωληθήο επίζεζεο πνπ πθίζηαληαη ε κόλε απάληεζε πνπ κπνξεί λα ππάξμεη είλαη έλαο ζθιεξόο θαη αδηάιιαθηνο αγώλαο όπωο απηόο πνπ δηεμάγεηαη.
Επνκέλωο ζηεξίδνπκε πιήξωο ηνπο εξγαδόκελνπο ηεο Ειιάδαο θαη ηνπο αγώλεο ηνπο ζην όλνκα ηνπ πξνιεηαξηαθνύ δηεζληζκνύ.
Σηελ Ειιάδα όπωο ζηελ Ιηαιία θαη παληνύ, ζην κύζν ηεο εζληθήο ελόηεηαο (πνπ ζεκαίλεη όηη νη εθκεηαιιεπόκελνη πξέπεη λα ζεθώλνπλ ην βάξνο ηωλ ιαζώλ ηωλ εθκεηαιιεπηώλ) αληηπαξαζέηνπκε ηελ ηαμηθή ελόηεηα θαη αιιειεγγύε κεηαμύ ηωλ εξγαδνκέλωλ, ηηο κνλαδηθέο πνπ εκείο αλαγλωξίδνπκε.
Η εζληθή γξακκαηεία ηεο USI-AIT

Greece, being hit by a strong economic depression caused by the financial collapse of the State and by the international speculation, is living a dramatic social crisis. The Greek workers, holding a general strike, are facing the attempt of the Governments and of the employers to make them pay the entire charge of the crisis with important wage and employment cuts. This is what the Governments and the employers are doing to fix their own mess.
We feel close to the Greek workers that are fighting and we reject every attempt to criminalize them.
The only answer to the violence of the economic and social attack they are suffering is the tough and intransigent fight that is developing at the moment.
We totally support the Greek workers and their fights in the name of the values of the proletarian internationalism .
In Greece, in Italy and everywhere, we oppose the working-class unity and solidarity ( the only values we appreciate ) to the fable of the unity of the nation ( which simply means letting the misdoings of the oppressors bear upon the oppressed ).
Segreteria nazionale USI-AIT


La Grecia, travolta da una pesantissima crisi economica, innescata dal tracollo finanziario dello Stato e dalla speculazione internazionale, sta vivendo una drammatica crisi sociale. I lavoratori greci, scesi in sciopero generale, contrastano duramente sulle piazze ad Atene, come a Salonicco e a Patrasso, il tentativo di far pagare a loro tutti i costi della crisi, con gravissimi tagli salariali e occupazionali, con tutto l’armamentario che governi e padroni mettono in campo per uscire dal baratro che loro stessi hanno scavato.

Siamo vicini ai lavoratori greci in lotta e respingiamo ogni tentativo di criminalizzarli. Alla violenza dell’attacco economico-sociale che stanno subendo non ci può essere altra risposta che una lotta dura e intransigente come quella che si sta sviluppando.

Pieno appoggio dunque ai lavoratori greci e alle loro lotte nel nome dei valori dell’internazionalismo proletario.

In Grecia come in Italia e dappertutto, contrapponiamo alla favola dell‚unità della nazione (che vuol semplicemente dire scaricare sugli sfruttati le malefatte degli sfruttatori) l’unità e la solidarietà di classe tra i lavoratori, gli unici valori che riconosciamo.

La segreteria nazionale dell’USI-AIT

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